The Roll of Environmental Psychology in Architecture and Urban Design
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Published: 19 April 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The main effort of this article is to discuss the design theory development theory in architecture theory. Over years, many of sociologists and psychologists begun to study and research in design business, designers and architects’ issues of interest. In addition, some people in fields of interior design, architecture, landscape design and urban design, have done structured research using behavioral sciences and this group grows larger day by day. Both groups believe that behavioral sciences can develop some models and concepts that lead to clear understanding of human-environment relation. The goal is to increase the skills of designers in interior, building sets and better environment and landscape design. Some psychologists believe that built environment has a little effect on human life. Some designers believe that behavioral sciences are just playing with words and makes simple works complex. Another group worried about complexities that can be solved by eye witness, decays by using the decremented philosophies. But if a good understanding of behavioral sciences in design theory development takes place, these considerations fade away. In conventional view point, believed that moral values of visitor can be separable of his/her vision and one can study the universe unaligned. The goal of making a clear foundation of environment design focal point is to determine a set of defined patterns such as: 1, Decision making process in environmental design procedure.2, Built environment and its usage and reaction of people.3, Physical nature of built environment and its results in daily human living spaces.
Keywords: Environment, Architecture, Urban Design, Environmental Psychology.

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How to Cite
Farzin Charehjoo , Iraj Etesam , Hazhir Rasoulpour. (2018-04-19). "The Roll of Environmental Psychology in Architecture and Urban Design." *Volume 1*, 2, 11-15